Oath of Office for an Officer of BLACKJACKS:
At this time, the Oath of office will be administered. You will raise your right hand and repeat after me:
“I (Name and Rank) in the National Society of Black Jacks, do solemnly promise, to uphold the constitution of Black jacks, to do my utmost to properly perform my duties as an Officer, to obey the orders of my superiors, and to conduct myself as an Officer and a gentleman at all times.”
“In token of your sincerity of purpose and the trust and confidence which has this day been reposed in you, I herewith present you with this sign of the office you will now hold in the nationwide staff of Black Jacks.”
“You have been chosen and duly appointed an Officer of this ________ of the Society of Black Jacks and with that position you will have the responsibility of dispatching with promptness the business and orders of your Society and superior officers, of abiding by and enforcing the rules and regulations of the National Society and the orders of the National Commander, and of upholding the ideals of Black Jacks.”
“Will you, (Name), upon your honor and in the presence of these witnesses promise and avow to carry out to the best of your abilities the responsibilities of your position?”
“Officers, you will hereupon assume those responsibilities and let me be the first to congratulate you upon your commission and promotions.”