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Black Jacks Constitution




            We, the members of the National Society of BLACKJACKS, in order to encourage, preserve, and develop the highest ideals of the military profession as exemplified by the life of the General of the Armies, John J. Pershing, patron of this organization, in order to provide appropriate recognition of high degrees of military ability coupled with responsible citizenship of the United States among students receiving academic instruction on a High School level within our organization and in order to fulfill the need of uniting the students through common bonds of activity, respect, and brotherhood, do hereby establish this Constitution.




Section 1: This organization shall be known as the National Society of BLACKJACKS.


Section 2: The colors of this organization shall be Black and Gold.


Section 3: This organization shall be affiliated with the National Society of Pershing Rifles.




            All High School level chartered units shall be entitled to initiate new members into the Society consistent with membership provisions of this Constitution and local By-laws. Members in good standing may wear insignia as prescribed in this Constitution and a charter shall oblige such units to enforce this Constitution and to abide by all laws, directives, and operating procedures of the Society. In addition, each unit shall be entitled to one (1) vote at assemblies and on proposed Amendments.




There shall be two (2) classes of membership in the Society:


A.ACTIVE: Active membership shall be open to all students receiving military instruction on high school level and any organized team which is recognized by its High School. A unit may pledge college students at the discretion of the National Commander of BLACKJACKS. In addition, the candidate should possess outstanding leadership characteristics and conform to the highest ideals of the and must complete a Pledge program controlled by a High School level chartered unit. The criteria having been met, the student obtains active status in both the High School level unit and the having been duly initiated in formal ceremonies as prescribed by An active member in good standing shall be for any purpose eligible to introduce motions from the floor, to speak in regard to any motion, to make nominations for an officer, and to vote when appropriate on any question.


B.HONORARY: Honorary members may be initiated into the by any High School chartered unit upon the approval of the National Commander. Honorary members may not hold office, or vote in any matter before the High School unit.






Section 1: Specifications of design and regulations for wearing of all official insignia may not be changed except by action of the National Headquarters of BLACKJACKS.


Section 2: The National Headquarters of BLACKJACKS shall standardize all commissioned and non-commissioned BLACKJACKS insignia.


Section 3: Each unit has the right to rescind the membership of any person in that unit as an ultimate disciplinary action. This action will be taken only after the approval of the National Headquarters. Each High School chartered unit may also establish methods of enforcing lesser disciplinary actions on its members by temporary denial of the right to authorize insignia with local service policy and the SOP.






The respective BLACKJACK Battalions/Regiments shall hold an Assembly, as prescribed by the National Commander of BLACKJACKS, at least once a year.





Section 1: Any high School level chartered unit may submit a proposed amendment to this Constitution to National Headquarters.


Section 2: The final interpretation of this Constitution shall be that of the National headquarters of BLACKJACKS.





(ref. Pg. I, Article III, Section a)


            All pledge programs must conform to the unit’s state laws concerning pledge programs. Further, no hazing of any sort will be condoned or tolerated by the Society. This is to include any type of mental or physical hazing. 

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